Ditto Peer To Peer
data class DittoPeerToPeer(var bluetoothLe: DittoBluetoothLeConfig = DittoBluetoothLeConfig(), var lan: DittoLanConfig = DittoLanConfig(), var wifiAware: DittoWifiAwareConfig = DittoWifiAwareConfig()) : Cloneable
Configuration of peer-to-peer transports, which are able to discover and connect to peers on their own.
For more information refer to the documentation for DittoTransportConfig
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constructor(bluetoothLe: DittoBluetoothLeConfig = DittoBluetoothLeConfig(), lan: DittoLanConfig = DittoLanConfig(), wifiAware: DittoWifiAwareConfig = DittoWifiAwareConfig())