
open class DittoTransportConfig(var connect: DittoConnect = DittoConnect(), var listen: DittoListen = DittoListen(), var global: DittoGlobalConfig = DittoGlobalConfig()) : Cloneable

A configuration object specifying which network transports Ditto should use to sync data.

A Ditto object comes with a default transport configuration where all available peer-to-peer transports are enabled. You can customize this by initializing a DittoTransportConfig, adjusting its properties, and supplying it to setTransportConfig() on Ditto.

When you initialize a DittoTransportConfig yourself it starts with all transports disabled. You must enable each one directly.

To connect to a peer at a known location, such as a Ditto Big Peer, add its address inside the connect configuration. These are either "host:port" strings for raw TCP sync, or a "wss://…" URL for websockets.



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constructor(connect: DittoConnect = DittoConnect(), listen: DittoListen = DittoListen(), global: DittoGlobalConfig = DittoGlobalConfig())


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open override fun clone(): DittoTransportConfig
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