DittoError is a subclass of the default Javascript Error. You can identify specific errors programatically using the code property.

Please reference ERROR_CODES for a comprehensive list of possible error codes in this SDK version.


Handling a specific error code:

import { Attachment, DittoError } from '@dittolive/ditto'

let attachment: Attachment
try {
attachment = await ditto.store.newAttachment(filePath)
} catch (error) {
if (error instanceof DittoError && error.code === 'store/attachment-file-not-found') {
// Handle a non-existing file
throw error // Rethrow any other error


  • Error
    • DittoError



code: "internal" | "internal/unknown-error" | "sdk/unsupported" | "query/arguments-invalid" | "query/execution" | "query/invalid" | "query/unsupported" | "query/parameter" | "store/backend" | "store/crdt" | "store/document-not-found" | "store/attachment-file-permission-denied" | "store/attachment-file-not-found" | "store/attachment-not-found" | "store/attachment-token-invalid" | "store/failed-to-create-attachment" | "store/failed-to-fetch-attachment" | "activation/license-token-verification-failed" | "activation/license-token-expired" | "activation/license-token-unsupported-future-version" | "activation/not-activated" | "validation/depth-limit-exceeded" | "validation/invalid-cbor" | "validation/invalid-json" | "validation/not-an-object" | "validation/not-json-compatible" | "validation/size-limit-exceeded"

Use the error code to identify a specific error programatically.


ERROR_CODES for a comprehensive list of possible error codes in this SDK version.

context: Readonly<ErrorContext>

Additional data, which provides context to the error and may help with debugging.

Warning: The contents of this object may change in future versions of the SDK.

stack?: string

Some environments provide a stack trace that is attached to any error.