Ditto is the entry point for accessing Ditto-related functionality.


  • Initializes a new Ditto instance.

    NOTE: The sharedKey identity is only supported for Node environments, using this to create a Ditto instance in the web browser will throw an exception.


    • Optional identity: Identity

      Identity for the new Ditto instance, defaults to offlinePlayground with appID being the empty string ''.

    • Optional persistenceDirectory: string

      optional string containing a directory path that Ditto will use for persistence. Defaults to "ditto". On Windows, the path will be automatically normalized.

    Returns Ditto



    when the current environment is not supported by this SDK.


    for other failures during initialization of Ditto and validation of the provided identity.


appID: string

Application ID associated with the identity used by this Ditto instance.

Provides access to authentication methods for logging on to Ditto Cloud.

identity: Identity

The (validated) identity this Ditto instance was initialized with.

persistenceDirectory: string

Path to the local directory used for persistent data storage.

Defaults to 'ditto'. In environments without file system access, such as browsers, this is used as a namespace for the internal data store.

presence: Presence

Provides access to the SDK's presence functionality.

siteID: number | BigInt

The site ID that the instance of Ditto is using as part of its identity.

smallPeerInfo: SmallPeerInfo

Provides access to the SDK's small peer info functionality.

store: Store

Provides access to the SDK's store functionality.

sync: Sync

Provides access to the SDK's sync functionality.


  • get deviceName(): string
  • Configure a custom identifier for this peer.

    When using presence.observe(), each remote peer is represented by a short UTF-8 "device name". By default this will be a truncated version of the device's hostname.

    Changes to this property after startSync() was called will only take effect after the next restart of sync. The value does not need to be unique among peers. Device names longer than 24 bytes will be truncated once startSync() is called.

    Returns string

  • set deviceName(value): void
  • Parameters

    • value: string

    Returns void

  • get isActivated(): boolean
  • Returns true if an offline license token has been set, otherwise returns false.

    Returns boolean

  • get isClosed(): boolean
  • true once Ditto.close() has been called, otherwise false.

    Returns boolean

  • get isSyncActive(): boolean
  • Returns true if sync is active, otherwise returns false. Use startSync() to activate and stopSync() to deactivate sync.

    Returns boolean

  • get path(): string
  • The path this Ditto instance was initialized with, if no path was given at construction time, the default value is returned (see constructor).

    Returns string


    Ditto.path is deprecated. Please update your code to use the new 'Ditto.persistenceDirectory' property instead.

  • get sdkVersion(): string
  • Returns a string identifying the version of the Ditto SDK.

    Returns string

  • get VERSION(): string
  • A string containing the semantic version of the Ditto SDK. Example: 4.4.3

    Returns string


  • Shut down Ditto and release all resources.

    Must be called before recreating a Ditto instance that uses the same persistence directory.

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Explicitly opt-in to disabling the ability to sync with Ditto peers running any version of the SDK in the v3 (or lower) series of releases.

    Assuming this succeeds then this peer will only be able to sync with other peers using SDKs in the v4 (or higher) series of releases. Note that this disabling of sync spreads to peers that sync with a peer that has disabled, or has (transitively) had disabled, syncing with v3 SDK peers.

    Returns Promise<void>


    if called in a React Native environment.

  • Registers an observer for info about Ditto peers in range of this device.

    Ditto will prevent the process from exiting as long as there are active peers observers (not relevant when running in the browser).


    • callback: ((peersData) => void)

      called immediately with the current state of peers in range and whenever that state changes. Then it will be invoked repeatedly when Ditto devices come and go, or the active connections to them change.

        • (peersData): void
        • Parameters

          Returns void

    Returns Observer


    please use presence.observe() instead.

  • Register observer for changes of underlying transport conditions.

    Ditto will prevent the process from exiting as long as there are active transport conditions observers (not relevant when running in the browser).


    • callback: ((condition, source) => void)

      called when underlying transport conditions change with the changed condition and its source.

    Returns Observer

  • Removes all sync metadata for remote peers that aren't currently connected.

    This method shouldn't usually be called. Manually running garbage collection often will result in slower sync times. Ditto automatically runs a garbage a collection process in the background at optimal times.

    Manually running garbage collection is typically only useful during testing if large amounts of data are being generated. Alternatively, if an entire data set is to be evicted and it's clear that maintaining this metadata isn't necessary, then garbage collection could be run after evicting the old data.

    This method does not have any effect when running Ditto in a browser.

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Activate a Ditto instance by setting an offline only license token. You cannot initiate sync with Ditto before you have activated it. The offline license token is only valid for identities of type development, manual, offlinePlayground, and sharedKey.


    • licenseToken: string

      the license token to activate the Ditto instance with. You can find yours on the Ditto portal.

    Returns void

  • Assigns a new transports configuration. By default peer-to-peer transports (Bluetooth, WiFi, and AWDL) are enabled. You may use this method to alter the configuration at any time, however sync will not begin until startSync() is called.


    Returns void


  • Starts the network transports. Ditto will connect to other devices.

    By default Ditto will enable all peer-to-peer transport types. On Node, this means BluetoothLE, WiFi/LAN, and AWDL. On the Web, only connecting via Websockets is supported. The network configuration can be customized with updateTransportConfig() or replaced entirely with setTransportConfig().

    Ditto will prevent the process from exiting until sync is stopped (not relevant when running in the browser).

    NOTE: the BluetoothLE transport on Linux is experimental, this method panics if no BluetoothLE hardware is available. Therefore, contrary to the above, the BluetoothLE transport is temporarily disabled by default on Linux.

    Returns void

  • Stops all network transports.

    You may continue to use the database locally but no data will sync to or from other devices.

    Returns void

  • Convenience method for updating the transport config. Creates a copy of the current transport config, passes that copy to the update closure, allowing it to mutate as needed, and sets that updated copy afterwards.


    • update: ((transportConfig) => void)
        • (transportConfig): void
        • Parameters

          Returns void

    Returns Ditto

  • Don't terminate the process when callbacks are pending for a long time.

    Some methods in the Ditto library accept asynchronous functions as callback parameters. If these asynchronous functions do not resolve within a certain period of time after having been invoked by Ditto, deadlock detection gets triggered, resulting in the termination of the process.

    When Ditto is executed in a Node.js environment with an interactive debugger attached, this deadlock detection might get activated upon encountering a breakpoint. Calling Ditto.disableDeadlockDetection() disables this behavior, thus allowing the use of an interactive debugger without triggering the deadlock detection.

    This feature is not available in the browser.

    Returns void

  • Returns true if deadlock detection is enabled.

    See Ditto.disableDeadlockDetection() for more information.

    This method always returns false in the browser where deadlock detection is not available.

    Returns boolean

    true if deadlock detection is enabled

  • Check if the current environment supports running Ditto.

    Required APIs include:

    • BigInt
    • FinalizationRegistry
    • WeakRef

    Internet Explorer is not supported.

    Returns boolean

    true if the environment is supported