Variable ERROR_CODESConst

    activation/license-token-expired: "The license token expired. Please renew it.";
    activation/license-token-unsupported-future-version: "The provided license token is in an unsupported future format.";
    activation/license-token-verification-failed: "Please provide a valid license token.";
    activation/not-activated: "The operation failed because the Ditto instance has not yet been activated.";
    internal: "An unexpected internal error occurred. Please get in touch with Ditto customer service to report this incident.";
    internal/unknown-error: "An unexpected internal error occurred. Please get in touch with Ditto customer service to report this incident.";
    query/arguments-invalid: "The query arguments were invalid.";
    query/execution: "The query could not be executed.";
    query/invalid: "The query was invalid.";
    query/parameter: "The query to update system parameters failed.";
    query/unsupported: "The query contains unsupported features.";
    sdk/unsupported: "The feature is not supported by the current environment.";
    store/attachment-file-not-found: "The source file for the attachment does not exist.";
    store/attachment-file-permission-denied: "Permission has been denied for a file operation when working with attachments.";
    store/attachment-not-found: "The attachment could not be found.";
    store/attachment-token-invalid: "The attachment token is invalid.";
    store/backend: "An error occurred with the storage backend.";
    store/crdt: "An error occurred processing a CRDT.";
    store/document-not-found: "The document with the provided ID could not be found.";
    store/failed-to-create-attachment: "The attachment could not be created.";
    store/failed-to-fetch-attachment: "The attachment could not be fetched.";
    validation/depth-limit-exceeded: "The maximum depth limit has been exceeded.";
    validation/invalid-cbor: "The value provided is not valid CBOR.";
    validation/invalid-json: "The value provided is not valid JSON.";
    validation/not-an-object: "The value provided is not of type object.";
    validation/not-json-compatible: "Value is not serializable as JSON.";
    validation/size-limit-exceeded: "The size limit has been exceeded.";

Error code and default error message for all Ditto error messages.

Keys of this object define error codes with each value containing the accompanying error description that is set as the default error message for errors instantiated with this code.

Error codes may start with an error domain and a slash to group categories of errors together.

Type declaration

  • Readonly activation/license-token-expired: "The license token expired. Please renew it."

    An error representing an expired license token.

  • Readonly activation/license-token-unsupported-future-version: "The provided license token is in an unsupported future format."

    An error representing a token is in an unsupported future format.

  • Readonly activation/license-token-verification-failed: "Please provide a valid license token."

    An error representing an invalid license token.

  • Readonly activation/not-activated: "The operation failed because the Ditto instance has not yet been activated."

    The operation failed because it requires an activated Ditto instance.

  • Readonly internal: "An unexpected internal error occurred. Please get in touch with Ditto customer service to report this incident."

    Internal error for unexpected system states

  • Readonly internal/unknown-error: "An unexpected internal error occurred. Please get in touch with Ditto customer service to report this incident."

    Internal error with an unknown error cause

  • Readonly query/arguments-invalid: "The query arguments were invalid."

    Error for invalid DQL query arguments.

  • Readonly query/execution: "The query could not be executed."

    Errors that occur during execution of a query

  • Readonly query/invalid: "The query was invalid."

    Error for an invalid DQL query.

  • Readonly query/parameter: "The query to update system parameters failed."

    Error for a failed query updating system parameters

  • Readonly query/unsupported: "The query contains unsupported features."

    Error for a query that uses DQL features not supported in this version or not supported by the currently used API.

  • Readonly sdk/unsupported: "The feature is not supported by the current environment."

    Error when using a feature not supported by the current environment

  • Readonly store/attachment-file-not-found: "The source file for the attachment does not exist."

    The source file for an attachment does not exist.

  • Readonly store/attachment-file-permission-denied: "Permission has been denied for a file operation when working with attachments."

    Permission has been denied for a file operation when working with attachments.

  • Readonly store/attachment-not-found: "The attachment could not be found."

    Attachment could not be found.

  • Readonly store/attachment-token-invalid: "The attachment token is invalid."

    Attachment token is invalid.

  • Readonly store/backend: "An error occurred with the storage backend."

    Error in the storage backend.

  • Readonly store/crdt: "An error occurred processing a CRDT."

    Error for an invalid CRDT.

  • Readonly store/document-not-found: "The document with the provided ID could not be found."

    Error for a document not found.

  • Readonly store/failed-to-create-attachment: "The attachment could not be created."

    An unclassified error while creating an attachment.

  • Readonly store/failed-to-fetch-attachment: "The attachment could not be fetched."

    An unclassified error while fetching an attachment.

  • Readonly validation/depth-limit-exceeded: "The maximum depth limit has been exceeded."

    A validation error where the maximum depth limit was exceeded.

  • Readonly validation/invalid-cbor: "The value provided is not valid CBOR."

    A validation error where the value is not valid CBOR.

  • Readonly validation/invalid-json: "The value provided is not valid JSON."

    A validation error where the value is not valid JSON.

  • Readonly validation/not-an-object: "The value provided is not of type object."

    A validation error where a value is required to be a JavaScript object

  • Readonly validation/not-json-compatible: "Value is not serializable as JSON."

    The value provided can not be serialized as JSON.

  • Readonly validation/size-limit-exceeded: "The size limit has been exceeded."

    A validation error where a size limit was exceeded.