Mutable version of DocumentPath allowing you to mutate a document at a specific key-path. You don't create a MutableDocumentPath directly but obtain one via the path property or the at() method of MutableDocument.


  • MutableDocumentPath


mutableDocument: MutableDocument

The (mutable) document this path belongs to.

path: string

The full document path so far.


  • get rga(): RGA
  • Returns the value at the previously specified key in the document as a RGA if possible, otherwise returns null.

    Note that the returned type, RGA, is deprecated and does not allow any mutation. RGAs cannot be created or mutated with this version of the SDK; they can only be read and this is for backwards compatibility reasons.


    RGA usage should be replaced. Use arrays inside Registers instead.

    Returns RGA

  • get value(): any
  • Traverses the document with the key-path represented by the receiver and returns the corresponding object or value.

    Returns any


  • Returns a new mutable document path instance with the passed in key-path or index appended.

    A key-path can be a single property name or multiple property names separated by a dot. Indexes can also be specified as part of the key path using square brackets syntax. The empty string returns a document path representing the same portion of the document as the receiver. If a key path starts with a property name and is prefixed by a dot, the dot is ignored.




    • keyPathOrIndex: string | number

    Returns MutableDocumentPath

  • Removes a value at the document's key-path defined by the receiver. If removing an index from an RGA, any subsequent indexes will be shifted left to fill the gap.

    Returns void

  • Sets a value at the document's key-path defined by the receiver.


    • value: any
    • Optional isDefault: boolean

      Represents whether or not the value should be set as a default value. Set this to true if you want to set a default value that you expect to be overwritten by other devices in the network. The default value is false.

    Returns void