Classes | |
class | AttachmentTokenException |
An exception that is thrown when trying to extract an attachment token from an invalid source. More... | |
class | DittoAttachment |
A reference to a binary attachment file. More... | |
class | DittoAttachmentFetcher |
These objects are returned by calls to DittoCollection.FetchAttachment(DittoAttachmentToken, Action<DittoAttachmentStatus>). More... | |
class | DittoAttachmentFetcherCtx |
class | DittoAttachmentStatus |
A representation of the status of an attachment. More... | |
class | DittoAttachmentToken |
Serves as a token for a specific attachment that you can pass to a call to DittoCollection.FetchAttachment(DittoAttachmentToken, Action<DittoAttachmentStatus>). More... | |
class | DittoCollection |
A reference to a collection in a DittoStore. More... | |
class | DittoDocument |
A document in a DittoCollection. More... | |
class | DittoDocumentPath |
Provides an interface to specify a path to a key in a document that you can then call a function on to get the value at the specified key as a specific type. More... | |
struct | DittoIdentity |
Used to identify a given peer in your network. In practice a peer may be a user, a device, or it might be some other entity in your system. More... | |
class | DittoKit |
The entrypoint to the DittoSharp SDK. More... | |
class | DittoLiveQuery |
A reference to a Live Query. The live query will respond to any changes relevant to the query that occur in the device's data store, . Do not instantiate this by itself. The live query will keep the handler informed of all changes so long as it is not garbage collected or disposed. More... | |
class | DittoLiveQueryCtx |
The meat of the LiveQuery logic / object. This object is the one getting GcHandle -pinned, so as to be able to provide a reliable potentially-long-lived ctx pointer to the FFI. More... | |
class | DittoLiveQueryEvent |
Describes events delivered by a DittoLiveQuery. More... | |
class | DittoLiveQueryMove |
An object that describes how a document's position in a live query's list of matching documents has changed since the previous live query event. More... | |
class | DittoMutableDocument |
A special reference to a DittoDocument that can be used to perform mutation on a document. Do not instantiate directly. This reference should never leave the scope of the lambda provided as part of a call to DittoPendingCursorOperation.Update(Action<List<DittoMutableDocument>>) or DittoPendingIDSpecificOperation.Update(Action<DittoMutableDocument>) and should not be used across different threads. More... | |
class | DittoMutableDocumentPath |
Provides an interface to specify a path to a key in a document that you can then call various update functions on. You obtain a DittoMutableDocumentPath by subscripting a DittoMutableDocument and you can then further subscript a DittoMutableDocumentPath to further specify the key of the document that you want to update. More... | |
class | DittoPendingCursorOperation |
These objects are returned when using find -like functionality on DittoCollection objects. More... | |
class | DittoPendingIDSpecificOperation |
These objects are returned when using DittoCollection.FindById(string) functionality. More... | |
class | DittoScopedWriteTransaction |
Exposes functionality that allows you to perform multiple operations on the store within a single write transaction. More... | |
class | DittoSingleDocumentLiveQueryEvent |
Provides information about a live query event relating to a single document live query. More... | |
class | DittoStore |
A class encompassing functionality relating to the embedded storage. This is not a class you instantiate directly. Instead you access DittoStore objects using DittoKit.Store. More... | |
class | DittoSubscription |
A reference to a subscription to data with other remote peers. You do not instantiate DittoSubscription objects directly. Instead they are created by calling DittoPendingCursorOperation.Subscribe or DittoPendingIDSpecificOperation.Subscribe. More... | |
class | DittoUpdateResult |
Provides information about a successful update operation on a document. More... | |
class | DittoWriteTransaction |
Exposes functionality that allows you to perform multiple operations on the store within a single write transaction. More... | |
class | DittoWriteTransactionPendingCursorOperation |
These objects are returned when using DittoScopedWriteTransaction.Find(string) or DittoScopedWriteTransaction.FindAll. More... | |
class | DittoWriteTransactionPendingIDSpecificOperation |
These objects are returned when using DittoScopedWriteTransaction.FindById(string) functionality. More... | |
class | DittoWriteTransactionResult |
Provides information about the result of an operation on a document that was part of a write transaction. More... | |
class | DocumentHandleWrapper |
class | DocumentHelpers |
class | DocumentOperator |
class | DocumentPath |
class | DocumentPathSanitizer |
class | QueryOperator |
class | SortDirectionHelper |
Enumerations | |
enum | DittoIdentityType { Development, Production } |
The identity types you can use with DittoKit. More... | |
enum | DittoLogLevel { Error = 1, Warning = 2, Info = 3, Debug = 4, Verbose = 5 } |
The different log levels that DittoSharp supports. More... | |
enum | DittoTransport { DittoTransport.Bluetooth, DittoTransport.Wifi, DittoTransport.Awdl, DittoTransport.Server } |
This enum is a list of available transports to facilitate synchronization. More... | |
enum | DittoSortDirection { DittoSortDirection.Ascending = 1, DittoSortDirection.Descending = 2 } |
Describes the lexicographic or numeric sorting direction for a query. More... | |
strong |
The identity types you can use with DittoKit.
A development identity should be used while in development when you want to control either or both of the app name and the site ID of the peer.
A production identity should be used when in production. This accepts a certificate bundle, which includes identity information as a base 64 encoded string.
strong |
The different log levels that DittoSharp supports.
strong |
strong |
This enum is a list of available transports to facilitate synchronization.
Enumerator | |
Bluetooth | Informs DittoKit to use Bluetooth Low Energy. |
Wifi | Informs DittoKit to use a local area network or wireless area network to communicate between devices. |
Awdl | Informs DittoKit to use Apple Wireless Direct. Apple Wireless Direct is an ad hoc peer to peer transport only available between Apple devices. |
Server | Informs DittoKit to connect to a specified server IP or URL. |