DittoSharp  0.1.0-alpha4
Classes | Enumerations
DittoSharp Namespace Reference


class  AttachmentTokenException
class  DittoAttachment
 A reference to a binary attachment file. More...
class  DittoAttachmentFetcher
class  DittoAttachmentStatus
class  DittoAttachmentToken
class  DittoCollection
struct  DittoDBConfig
class  DittoDocument
 A document in a DittoCollection. More...
class  DittoDocumentPath
struct  DittoIdentity
class  DittoKit
class  DittoLiveQuery
 A reference to a Live Query. The live query will respond to any changes relevant to the query that occur in the device's data store, . Do not instantiate this by itself. The live query will keep the handler informed of all changes so long as it is not garbage collected or disposed. To stop listening to changes, dispose of the instance manually. More...
class  DittoLiveQueryEvent
class  DittoLiveQueryMove
class  DittoMutableDocument
 A special reference to a DittoDocument that can be used to perform mutation on a document. Do not instantiate directly. This reference should never leave the scope of the lambda provided as part of a call to DittoPendingCursorOperation.Update(System.Action<List<DittoMutableDocument>>) or DittoPendingIDSpecificOperation.Update(System.Action<DittoMutableDocument>) and should not be used across different threads. More...
class  DittoMutableDocumentPath
class  DittoPendingCursorOperation
class  DittoPendingIDSpecificOperation
class  DittoSingleDocumentLiveQueryEvent
class  DittoStore
 A class encompassing functionality relating to the embedded storage. This is not a class you instantiate directly. Instead you access DittoStore objects using DittoKit.Store. More...
class  DittoSubscription
 A reference to a subscription to data with other remote peers. You do not instantiate DittoSubscription objects directly. Instead they are created by calling DittoPendingCursorOperation.Subscribe or DittoPendingIDSpecificOperation.Subscribe. More...
class  DittoUpdateResult
class  DittoWriteTransaction
class  DocumentPath
class  DocumentPathSanitizer
class  SortDirectionHelper


enum  DittoIdentityType { Development, Production }
enum  DittoLogLevel {
  Error = 1, Warning = 2, Info = 3, Debug = 4,
  Verbose = 5
enum  DittoTransport { DittoTransport.Bluetooth, DittoTransport.Wifi, DittoTransport.Awdl, DittoTransport.Server }
 This enum is a list of available transports to facilitate synchronization. More...
enum  DittoSortDirection { DittoSortDirection.Ascending = 1, DittoSortDirection.Descending = 2 }
 Describes the lexicographic or numeric sorting direction for a query. More...

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ DittoSortDirection

Describes the lexicographic or numeric sorting direction for a query.


Informs the query to return values sorted in a lexicographic or numeric ascending order.


Informs the query to return values sorted in a lexicographic or numeric descending order.

◆ DittoTransport

This enum is a list of available transports to facilitate synchronization.


Informs DittoKit to use Bluetooth Low Energy.


Informs DittoKit to use a local area network or wireless area network to communicate between devices.


Informs DittoKit to use Apple Wireless Direct. Apple Wireless Direct is an ad hoc peer to peer transport only available between Apple devices.


Informs DittoKit to connect to a specified server IP or URL.