
public class DittoSmallPeerInfo

The entrypoint for small peer user info collection. Small peer info consists of information gathered into a system collection on a regular interval and optionally synced to the Big Peer for device dashboard and debugging purposes.

You don’t create this class directly, but can access it from a particular Ditto instance via its smallPeerInfo property.

  • Indicates whether small peer info collection is currently enabled, defaults to false.

    Small peer info consists of information scraped into a system collection at repeated interval and synced to the Big Peer for device dashboard and debugging purposes.

    Note: whether the background ingestion process is enabled or not is a separate decision to whether this information is allowed to sync to other peers (including the big peer). This is controlled by syncScope.



    public var isEnabled: Bool { get set }
  • Determines which “kind” of peers the small peer info will be replicate to, defaults to .localPeerOnly.



    public var syncScope: DittoSmallPeerInfoSyncScope { get set }
  • Returns the JSON metadata being associated with the small peer info.

    See setMetadata() for details.



    public var metadata: [String : Any] { get }
  • Sets the JSON metadata to be associated with the small peer info.

    The metadata is free-form, user-provided dictionary is serialized into JSON and is inserted into the small peer info system doc at each collection interval. The dictionary has no schema except for the following constraints:

    1. All contained values must be JSON serializable.
    2. The size of the dictionary serialized as JSON may not exceed 128 KB.
    3. The dictionary may only be nested up to 64 levels deep.


    DittoSwiftError.validationError and rethrows any NSError as a result of serializing the metadata into JSON data (via JSONSerialization).



    public func setMetadata(_ metadata: [String : Any]) throws
  • Returns the JSON metadata being associated with the small peer info.

    See setMetadataJSONString() for details.



    public var metadataJSONString: String { get }
  • Sets the JSON metadata to be associated with the small peer info.

    The metadata is free-form, user-provided JSON object that is inserted into the small peer info system doc at each collection interval. The JSON data has no schema except for the following constraints:

    1. The contained JSON data must be a JSON object.
    2. The size of the JSON string may not exceed 128 KB.
    3. The contained JSON hash may only be nested up to 64 levels deep.





    public func setMetadataJSONString(_ jsonString: String) throws