
These objects are returned when using find and findAll functionality on DittoScopedWriteTransactions. You can use them to perform updates on documents and remove or evict documents.

  • Limit the number of documents that get returned when querying a collection for matching documents.

  • Sort the documents that match the query provided in the preceding find-like function call.

  • Offset the resulting set of matching documents. This is useful if you aren’t interested in the first N matching documents for one reason or another. For example, you might already have queried the collection and obtained the first 20 matching documents and so you might want to run the same query as you did previously but ignore the first 20 matching documents, and that is where you would use offset.

  • Execute the query generated by the preceding function chaining and return the list of matching documents.

  • Remove all documents that match the query generated by the preceding function chaining.

  • Evict all documents that match the query generated by the preceding function chaining.

  • Update documents that match the query generated by the preceding function chaining.

