
@interface DITCollection : NSObject

A reference to a collection in a DITStore.

This is the entrypoint for inserting documents into a collection, as well as querying a collection.

  • The name of the collection.



    @property (nonatomic, readonly) NSString *_Nonnull name;
  • Inserts a new document into the collection and returns its ID.



    - (nullable NSString *)insert:(nonnull NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *)content
                            error:(NSError *_Nullable *_Nullable)error;



    The new document to insert.


    On input, a pointer to an error object. If an error occurs, this pointer is set to an actual error object containing the error information. You may specify nil for this parameter if you do not want the error information.

    Return Value

    The ID of the inserted document, or nil if insertion failed.

  • Inserts a new document into the collection and returns its ID.



    - (nullable NSString *)insert:(nonnull NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *)content
                           withID:(nullable NSString *)id
                            error:(NSError *_Nullable *_Nullable)error;



    The new document to insert.


    The ID to use for the document. If NULL then Ditto will automatically assign an ID.


    On input, a pointer to an error object. If an error occurs, this pointer is set to an actual error object containing the error information. You may specify nil for this parameter if you do not want the error information.

    Return Value

    The ID of the inserted document, or nil if insertion failed.

  • Inserts a new document into the collection and returns its ID.



    - (nullable NSString *)insert:(nonnull NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *)content
                            error:(NSError *_Nullable *_Nullable)error;



    The new document to insert.


    Whether or not the data being inserted should be treated as default data or not. Set this to true if you want to set a default value that you expect to be overwritten by other devices in the network. The default value is false.


    On input, a pointer to an error object. If an error occurs, this pointer is set to an actual error object containing the error information. You may specify nil for this parameter if you do not want the error information.

    Return Value

    The ID of the inserted document, or nil if insertion failed.

  • Inserts a new document into the collection and returns its ID.



    - (nullable NSString *)insert:(nonnull NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *)content
                           withID:(nullable NSString *)id
                            error:(NSError *_Nullable *_Nullable)error;



    The new document to insert.


    The ID to use for the document. If NULL then Ditto will automatically assign an ID.


    Whether or not the data being inserted should be treated as default data or not. Set this to true if you want to set a default value that you expect to be overwritten by other devices in the network. The default value is false.


    On input, a pointer to an error object. If an error occurs, this pointer is set to an actual error object containing the error information. You may specify nil for this parameter if you do not want the error information.

    Return Value

    The ID of the inserted document, or nil if insertion failed.

  • Generates a DITPendingIDSpecificOperation with the provided document ID.

    The returned object can be used to find and return the document or you can chain a call to observe, observeLocal, or subscribe if you want to get updates about the document over time. It can also be used to update, remove or evict the document.



    - (nonnull DITPendingIDSpecificOperation *)findByID:(nonnull NSString *)docID;



    The ID of the document.

    Return Value

    A DITPendingIDSpecificOperation that you can chain function calls to either get the document immediately or get updates about it over time.

  • Generates a DITPendingCursorOperation using the provided query.

    The returned object can be used to find and return the documents or you can chain a call to observe, observeLocal, or subscribe if you want to get updates about the list of matching documents over time. It can also be used to update, remove or evict the matching documents.



    - (nonnull DITPendingCursorOperation *)find:(nonnull NSString *)query;



    The query to run against the collection.

    Return Value

    A DITPendingCursorOperation that you can chain function calls to chain further query-related function calls.

  • Generates a DITPendingCursorOperation that relates to all documents in the collection.

    The returned object can be used to find and return all of the documents in the collection or you can chain a call to observe, observeLocal, or subscribe if you want to get updates about the documents over time. It can also be used to update, remove or evict the documents.



    - (nonnull DITPendingCursorOperation *)findAll;

    Return Value

    A DITPendingCursorOperation that you can chain function calls to chain further query-related function calls.

  • Creates a new attachment, which can then be inserted into a document.

    The file residing at the provided path will be copied into Ditto’s store. The DITAttachment object that is returned is what you can then use to insert an attachment into a document.

    You can provide metadata about the attachment, which will be replicated to other peers alongside the file attachment.

    Below is a snippet to how you can use the newAttachment functionality to insert an attachment into a document.

    if let attachment = collection.insert.newAttachment("/path/to/my/file.pdf") {
        let docID = try! collection.insert(["attachment": attachment, "other": "string"])



    - (nullable DITAttachment *)
        newAttachment:(nonnull NSString *)path
             metadata:(nullable NSDictionary<NSString *, NSString *> *)metadata;



    The path to the file that you want to create an attachment with.


    Metadata relating to the attachment.

    Return Value

    A DITAttachment object, which can be used to insert the attachment into a document.

  • Trigger an attachment to be downloaded locally to the device and observe its progress as it does so.

    When you encounter a document that contains an attachment the attachment will not automatically be downloaded along with the document. You trigger an attachment to be downloaded locally to a device by calling this method. It will report event relating to the attachment fetch attempt as it tries to download it. Assuming it succeeds in downloading the attachment it wall call the onFetchEvent block with a completed fetch event object, which will hold a reference to the attachment.



    - (nullable DITAttachmentFetcher *)
        fetchAttachment:(nonnull DITAttachmentToken *)token
               (nonnull void (^)(DITAttachmentFetchEvent *_Nonnull))onFetchEvent;



    The DITAttachmentToken relevant to the attachment that you wish to download and observe.


    A block that will be called when there is a update to the status of the attachment fetch attempt.

    Return Value

    A DITAttachmentFetcher object, which must be kept alive for the fetch request to proceed and for you to be notified about the attachment’s fetch status changes. If the attachment fetcher could not be created then nil will be returned. This can happen if, for example, an invalid attachment token was provided.