
Link copied to clipboard
protected constructor()


Link copied to clipboard

The target file for the attachment copy already exists.

Link copied to clipboard

The given attachment file could not be found. (creation)

Link copied to clipboard

The attachment could not be found. (creation)

Link copied to clipboard

The attachment could not be found. (fetch)

Link copied to clipboard

The attachment token was invalid. (fetch)

Link copied to clipboard

An error occurred with the storage backend (LMDB).

Link copied to clipboard

The document could not be found.

Link copied to clipboard

The attachment copy failed.

Link copied to clipboard

A problem occurred creating the attachment.

Link copied to clipboard

A Counter couldn't be created from the decoded Map.

Link copied to clipboard

The document could not be decoded.

Link copied to clipboard

The value could not be decoded.

Link copied to clipboard
data class FailedToEncodeValue(val value: Any, val message: String) : DittoError.StoreErrorReason

The provided value could not be encoded.

Link copied to clipboard

A problem occurred fetching the attachment.

Link copied to clipboard

The directory that Ditto attempted to use for its persisted data could not be initialized.

Link copied to clipboard

An invalid CRDT type was encountered.

Link copied to clipboard

The live query has not obtained a valid identifier.

Link copied to clipboard

An invalid value was encountered for a corresponding CRDT type.

Link copied to clipboard

The document did not have an _id key when attempting to decode it.

Link copied to clipboard

The provided query arguments were invalid

Link copied to clipboard

Compilation of the provided query failed.

Link copied to clipboard
data class QueryError(val message: String) : DittoError.StoreErrorReason

The query was invalid.

Link copied to clipboard

The query is invalid.

Link copied to clipboard

The query is syntactically valid but uses features that are either not supported at all yet or not supported in a particular context.