
A reference to a collection in a DittoStore.


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the name of the collection.


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Trigger an attachment to be downloaded locally to the device and observe its progress as it does so.

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Generates a DittoPendingCursorOperation with the provided query that can be used to find the documents matching the query at a point in time or you can chain a call to observeLocal or subscribe if you want to get updates about documents matching the query as they occur.

fun find(query: String, queryArgs: Map<String, Any?>): DittoPendingCursorOperation

Generates a DittoPendingCursorOperation with the provided query that can be used to find the documents matching the query at a point in time or you can chain a call to observeLocal, subscribe if you want to get updates about documents matching the query as they occur.

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Generates a DittoPendingCursorOperation that can be used to find all documents in the collection at a point in time or you can chain a call to observeLocal or subscribe if you want to get updates about documents in the collection over time.

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Generates a DittoPendingIdSpecificOperation with the provided document identifier that can be used to find the document at a point in time or you can chain a call to observeLocal or subscribe if you want to get updates about the document over time.

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fun newAttachment(inputStream: InputStream, metadata: Map<String, String> = emptyMap()): DittoAttachment?
fun newAttachment(path: String, metadata: Map<String, String> = emptyMap()): DittoAttachment?

Creates a new attachment, which can then be inserted into a document.

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fun <T : Any> upsert(value: T, writeStrategy: DittoWriteStrategy = DittoWriteStrategy.Merge): DittoDocumentId

Inserts a new document into the collection and returns its identifier. If the document already exists, the behavior is determined by the given writeStrategy.