
data class DittoGlobalConfig(var syncGroup: UInt, var routingHint: UInt = NO_PREFERRED_ROUTE_HINT) : Cloneable

Settings not associated with any specific type of transport.


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constructor(syncGroup: UInt, routingHint: UInt = NO_PREFERRED_ROUTE_HINT)


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object Companion


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@get:JvmName(name = "getRoutingHintUInt")
@set:JvmName(name = "setRoutingHintUInt")
var routingHint: UInt

The routing hint for this device.

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@get:JvmName(name = "getRoutingHint")
@set:JvmName(name = "setRoutingHint")
var routingHintLong: Long

Long version of routingHint for Java compatibility.

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@get:JvmName(name = "getSyncGroupUInt")
@set:JvmName(name = "setSyncGroupUInt")
var syncGroup: UInt

The sync group for this device.

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@get:JvmName(name = "getSyncGroup")
@set:JvmName(name = "setSyncGroup")
var syncGroupLong: Long

Signed Long version of syncGroup for Java compatibility.


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open override fun clone(): DittoGlobalConfig