
sealed class ValidationErrorReason

Errors interacting with DittoSmallPeerInfo.


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protected fun ValidationErrorReason()


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object DepthLimitExceeded : DittoError.ValidationErrorReason

If the amount of JSON data is too nested according to our self-imposed limits, or if the data cannot be parsed to determine the depth.

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The observability subsystem is unavailable. (should never be the case for the small peer).

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object NotAMap : DittoError.ValidationErrorReason

The object provided was not a Map.

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object SizeLimitExceeded : DittoError.ValidationErrorReason

The size of the provided metadata is too large.

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data class UnknownSyncScope(val message: String) : DittoError.ValidationErrorReason

The provided DittoSmallPeerInfoSyncScope_t value didn't correspond with any known enum cases.


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