Ditto Store
Provides access to execute Ditto queries, work with DittoCollections and a write transaction API.
Installs and returns a replication subscription for a query, configuring Ditto to receive updates from other peers for documents matching that query. The given query must be a SELECT
query, otherwise a DittoError.StoreError with DittoError.StoreErrorReason.QueryNotSupported is thrown.
Returns a DittoCollection with the provided name.
Returns a list of the names of collections in the store.
Returns an object that lets you fetch or observe the collections in the store.
Returns a DittoCollection with the provided name.
Returns a hash representing the current version of the given queries. When a document matching such queries gets mutated, the hash will change as well.
Returns a sequence of English words representing the current version of the given queries. When a document matching such queries gets mutated, the words will change as well.
Removes the given replicationSubscription from the store configuring Ditto to not receive updates for documents matching the corresponding query anymore. No-op if the given replicationSubscription has already been removed.
Allows you to group multiple operations together that affect multiple documents, potentially across multiple collections.