
class DittoStore

Provides access to DittoCollections and a write transaction API.


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fun collection(name: String): DittoCollection

Returns a DittoCollection with the provided name.

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fun collectionNames(): List<String>

Returns a list of the names of collections in the store.

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fun collections(): DittoPendingCollectionsOperation

Returns an object that lets you fetch or observe the collections in the store.

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operator fun get(name: String): DittoCollection

Returns a DittoCollection with the provided name. A collection name is valid if:

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fun queriesHash(liveQueries: Array<DittoLiveQuery>): BigInteger

Returns a hash representing the current version of the given queries. When a document matching such queries gets mutated, the hash will change as well.

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fun queriesHashMnemonic(liveQueries: Array<DittoLiveQuery>): String

Returns a sequence of English words representing the current version of the given queries. When a document matching such queries gets mutated, the words will change as well.

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fun write(block: (DittoWriteTransaction) -> Unit): List<DittoWriteTransactionResult>
fun write(handler: DittoWriteTransactionHandler): List<DittoWriteTransactionResult>

Allows you to group multiple operations together that affect multiple documents, potentially across multiple collections.