Package live.ditto.transports
How often to transmit Bluetooth LE advertisements. Higher settings will aid in faster discovery, especially when some devices are locked or running Ditto in the background, at the cost of more battery consumption.
How much power to use when transmitting Bluetooth LE advertisements. Higher settings will achieve connections over longer distances at the cost of more battery consumption.
Owns the BluetoothPlatform and references to the Rust-based BLE Client and Server transports. Previously these were long-lived instances but sometimes the Android BLE stack gums up and stops reporting events properly until the app is restarted. The nuclear solution of dropping and recreating the BluetoothPlatform resolves this situation. At the expense of background support, this manager class will track disabled/enabled/background/foreground events and fully stop or start the platform accordingly.
Specific servers that Ditto should attempt to connect to.
Configure this device as a Ditto server. Disabled by default.
Configuration of peer-to-peer transports, which are able to discover and connect to peers on their own.
A utility class for identifying and requesting missing platform permissions on Android.
A configuration object specifying which network transports Ditto should use to sync data.