Ditto 3.0.9
No Matches
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123]
 CDittoSDK.DittoAttachmentA reference to a binary attachment file
 CDittoSDK.DittoAttachmentFetchEventA representation of the events that can occur in relation to an attachment fetch
 CDittoSDK.DittoAttachmentFetchEvent.CompletedAn attachment fetch event used when the attachment's download has completed
 CDittoSDK.DittoAttachmentFetchEvent.DeletedAn attachment fetch event used when the attachment is deleted
 CDittoSDK.DittoAttachmentFetchEvent.ProgressAn attachment fetch event used when the attachment's download has progressed but is not yet complete
 CDittoSDK.DittoAttachmentTokenServes as a token for a specific attachment that you can pass to a call to DittoCollection.FetchAttachment(DittoAttachmentToken, Action<DittoAttachmentFetchEvent>)
 CDittoSDK.DittoAuthenticationStatusProvides info about the authentication status
 CDittoSDK.DittoAuthenticationSuccessDefines the properties and permissions of a user who has authenticated successfully and will be able to participate in the Ditto mesh
 CDittoSDK.DittoAuthenticatorProvides access to authentication information and methods for logging on to Ditto Cloud. Relevant when using an OnlineWithAuthentication or an Online identity
 CDittoSDK.DittoCollectionA reference to a collection in a DittoStore
 CDittoSDK.DittoCollectionsEventProvides information about the changes that have occurred in relation to an event delivered when observing the collections in a DittoStore. It contains information about the collections that are known about as well as the collections that were previously known about in the previous event, along with information about what collections have been inserted, deleted, updated, or moved since the last event
 CDittoSDK.DittoDocumentA document in a DittoCollection
 CDittoSDK.DittoDocumentIdAn identifier for a DittoDocument
 CDittoSDK.DittoErrorUsed to represent all Ditto-related errors that aren't thrown as exceptions
 CDittoSDK.DittoExperimentalUpcoming SDK features made available for prototyping
 CDittoSDK.DittoLiveQueryEventDescribes events delivered by a DittoLiveQuery
 CDittoSDK.DittoLiveQueryEvent.InitialA type used for the first event delivered for a live query
 CDittoSDK.DittoLiveQueryEvent.UpdateA description of updates that occurred between the current and previous times that the live query handler was fired
 CDittoSDK.DittoLiveQueryMoveAn object that describes how a document's position in a live query's list of matching documents has changed since the previous live query event
 CDittoSDK.DittoMutableDocumentA special reference to a DittoDocument that can be used to perform mutation on a document. Do not instantiate directly. This reference should never leave the scope of the lambda provided as part of a call to DittoPendingCursorOperation.Update(Action<List<DittoMutableDocument>>) or DittoPendingIdSpecificOperation.Update(Action<DittoMutableDocument>) and should not be used across different threads
 CDittoSDK.DittoPendingCollectionsOperationThese objects are returned when calling Collections() on DittoStore
 CDittoSDK.DittoPendingCursorOperationThese objects are returned when using find-like functionality on DittoCollection objects
 CDittoSDK.DittoPendingIdSpecificOperationThese objects are returned when using DittoCollection.FindById(string) functionality
 CDittoSDK.DittoScopedWriteTransactionExposes functionality that allows you to perform multiple operations on the store within a single write transaction
 CDittoSDK.DittoSingleDocumentLiveQueryEventProvides information about a live query event relating to a single document live query
 CDittoSDK.DittoStoreA class encompassing functionality relating to the embedded storage. This is not a class you instantiate directly. Instead you access DittoStore objects using Ditto.Store
 CDittoSDK.DittoUpdateResultProvides information about a successful update operation on a document
 CDittoSDK.DittoUpdateResult.IncrementedAn update result when an Increment operation was performed
 CDittoSDK.DittoUpdateResult.RemovedAn update result when a Remove operation was performed
 CDittoSDK.DittoUpdateResult.SetAn update result when a Set operation was performed
 CDittoSDK.DittoWriteTransactionExposes functionality that allows you to perform multiple operations on the store within a single write transaction
 CDittoSDK.DittoWriteTransactionPendingCursorOperationThese objects are returned when using DittoScopedWriteTransaction.Find(string), DittoScopedWriteTransaction.Find(string, Dictionary<string, object>), or DittoScopedWriteTransaction.FindAll
 CDittoSDK.DittoWriteTransactionPendingIdSpecificOperationThese objects are returned when using DittoScopedWriteTransaction.FindById(string) functionality
 CDittoSDK.DittoWriteTransactionResultProvides information about the result of an operation on a document that was part of a write transaction
 CDittoSDK.DittoWriteTransactionResult.EvictedRepresents a write transaction result when a document has been evicted
 CDittoSDK.DittoWriteTransactionResult.InsertedRepresents a write transaction result when a document has been inserted
 CDittoSDK.DittoWriteTransactionResult.RemovedRepresents a write transaction result when a document has been removed
 CDittoSDK.DittoWriteTransactionResult.UpdatedRepresents a write transaction result when a document has been updated
 CDittoSDK.DittoDocumentIdPathProvides an interface to specify a path to a key in a document identifier that you can then call a function on to get the value at the specified key as a specific type
 CDittoSDK.DittoDocumentPathProvides an interface to specify a path to a key in a document that you can then call a function on to get the value at the specified key as a specific type
 CDittoSDK.DittoMutableDocumentPathProvides an interface to specify a path to a key in a document that you can then call various update functions on. You obtain a DittoMutableDocumentPath by subscripting a DittoMutableDocument and you can then further subscript a DittoMutableDocumentPath to further specify the key of the document that you want to update
 CDittoSDK.DittoThe entrypoint to the Ditto SDK
 CDittoSDK.DittoAuthenticationRequestEventArgsData passed to the Ditto.DittoIdentityProviderAuthenticationRequest event handler when a peer wishes to use the current device as an authentication server
 CDittoSDK.DittoExceptionAn exception that is thrown when Ditto encounters an error
 CDittoSDK.DittoFFIExceptionAn exception that is thrown when Ditto FFI encounters an error. This exception contains additional details that can be useful for debugging and support
 CDittoSDK.DittoAttachmentFetcherThese objects are returned by calls to DittoCollection.FetchAttachment(DittoAttachmentToken, Action<DittoAttachmentFetchEvent>)
 CDittoSDK.DittoBusSend and receive messages with remote Ditto peers in the mesh
 CDittoSDK.DittoLiveQueryA reference to a Live Query. The live query will respond to any changes relevant to the query that occur in the device's data store. Do not instantiate this by itself. The live query will keep the handler informed of all changes so long as it is not garbage collected or disposed
 CDittoSDK.DittoSubscriptionA reference to a subscription to data with other remote peers. You do not instantiate DittoSubscription objects directly. Instead they are created by calling DittoPendingCursorOperation.Subscribe or DittoPendingIdSpecificOperation.Subscribe
 CDittoSDK.IDittoAuthenticationDelegateProvides feedback to the developer about Ditto authentication status
 CDittoSDK.IDittoObserverAn observation token returned by any observation API in the Ditto SDK
 CDittoSDK.AwdlConfigConfiguration for Apple Wireless Direct Link (AWDL) network transport. Not supported on all platforms
 CDittoSDK.BluetoothLEConfigConfiguration for Bluetooth Low Energy network transport. Not supported on all platforms (yet)
 CDittoSDK.DittoConnectConfiguration for network transports used to connect with Ditto big peers
 CDittoSDK.DittoGlobalConfiguration for all network transports
 CDittoSDK.DittoHttpListenConfigConfiguration for less common data sync scenarios. Please read the documentation on the Ditto website for examples. Incorrect use of Listen can result in insecure configurations
 CDittoSDK.DittoLanConfigConfiguration for local LAN Wi-Fi network transport
 CDittoSDK.DittoListenConfiguration for network transports used to allow incoming connections from other Ditto peers
 CDittoSDK.DittoPeerToPeerConfiguration for network transport used to connect with other Ditto small peers. Some transports are not supported on all platforms
 CDittoSDK.DittoTcpListenConfigConfiguration for less common data sync scenarios. Please read the documentation on the Ditto website for examples. Incorrect use of Listen can result in insecure configurations
 CDittoSDK.DittoTransportConfigConfiguration object specifying which network transports Ditto should use to sync data