Ditto 4.6.0
►Cditto::AbstractDocumentPath | Provides an interface to specify a path to a key in a document that you can then call various update functions on |
Cditto::any | Polyfill of std::any for C++11 |
Cditto::Arc< T > | |
Cditto::Arc< ditto::LiveQueryCtx > | |
Cditto::Arc< ditto::LoginProviderCtx > | |
Cditto::Arc< ditto::ValidityListenerCtx > | |
Cditto::LiveQuery::ArcCtx | |
Cditto::LoginProvider::ArcCtx | |
Cditto::ValidityListener::ArcCtx | |
Cditto::ArcPointee< T > | |
Cditto::ArcPointee< ditto::LiveQueryCtx > | |
Cditto::ArcPointee< ditto::LoginProviderCtx > | |
Cditto::ArcPointee< ditto::ValidityListenerCtx > | |
Cditto::Attachment | Represents an attachment and can be used to insert the associated attachment into a document at a specific key |
Cditto::AttachmentFetcherEventHandler | A thin wrapper around a function that will get called when there are updates relating to an attempt to fetch an attachment |
►Cditto::AttachmentFetchEvent | The different types of attachment fetch events that can be delivered |
Cditto::AttachmentToken | Serves as a token for a specific attachment that you can pass to a call to Store::fetch_attachment |
Cditto::AuthenticationCallback | Provides feedback to the developer about Ditto authentication status |
Cditto::AuthenticationStatus | Provides info about the authentication status |
Cditto::AwdlConfig | Part of the PeerToPeer config that relates to AWDL connections |
Cditto::BluetoothLeConfig | Part of the PeerToPeer config that relates to Bluetooth LE connections |
Cditto::Collection | A reference to a collection in a Store |
Cditto::CollectionsEvent | Provides information about the changes that have occurred in relation to an event delivered when observing the collections in a Store |
Cditto::CollectionsEventHandler | |
Cditto::CollectionsEventWithNextSignalHandler | |
Cditto::Connect | Part of the TransportConfig that relates to outgoing connections |
Cditto::Connection | Connection between two peers |
►Cditto::Counter | |
Cditto::DiskObserverContext | |
Cditto::DiskUsage | Provides an interface to be able to monitor local files |
Cditto::DiskUsageChild | |
Cditto::Ditto | The entrypoint to the Ditto SDK |
Cditto::DittoAddress | Information used to identify a peer |
Cditto::Document | A document belonging to a Collection with an inner value and an identifier (DocumentId ) |
Cditto::DocumentId | An identifier for a Document |
Cditto::DocumentIdPath | Provides an interface to specify a path to a key in a document ID that you can then call a function on to get the value at the specified key as a specific type |
►Cstd::enable_shared_from_this | |
►Cstd::exception | |
Cditto::Ditto::Fields | |
Cditto::Global | |
Cditto::HttpListenConfig | Part of the Listen config that relates to incoming HTTP connections |
►Cditto::Identity | The various identity configurations that you can use when initializing a Ditto instance |
Cditto::LanConfig | Part of the PeerToPeer config that relates to LAN connections |
Cditto::Listen | Part of the TransportConfig that relates to incoming connections |
Cditto::LiveQueryCtx | |
Cditto::LiveQueryEvent | The events that you receive when dealing with live queries |
Cditto::LiveQueryEventHandler | A thin wrapper around a function that will get called when there are updates relating to a live query |
Cditto::LiveQueryMove | Describes the index in a list of documents that a document was previously found at (from ) and the index that it can now be found at (to ) |
Cditto::LiveQueryWithNextSignalEventHandler | A thin wrapper around a function that will get called when there are updates relating to a live query that has an associated function to call when the next event is ready to be delivered |
Cditto::Log | Main singleton (global instance) to tweak the behavior of Ditto's logging infrastructure |
Cditto::LoginProviderCtx | |
Cditto::MutableDocument | This is used as part of update operations for documents |
►Cditto::Observer | An observation token returned by any observation API in the Ditto SDK. Retain this object to continue receiving updates |
Cditto::OrderBy | |
Cditto::Peer | Represent a known peer in the Ditto network |
Cditto::PeerToPeer | Part of the TransportConfig that relates to peer-to-peer connections |
Cditto::PendingCollectionsOperation | These objects are returned when calling collections() on Store objects |
Cditto::PendingCursorOperation | These objects are returned when using find -like functionality on Collection objects |
Cditto::PendingIDSpecificOperation | These objects are returned when using Collection::find_by_id functionality |
Cditto::Presence | |
Cditto::PresenceGraph | Represents local peer and local peers |
Cditto::QueryResult | Represents the returned results when executing a DQL query, containing a QueryResultItem for each match |
Cditto::QueryResultItem | Represents a single match of a DQL query, similar to a "row" in SQL terms. It is a reference type serving as a "cursor", allowing for efficient access of the underlying data in various formats |
►Cditto::Register | |
Cditto::ScopedWriteTransaction | ScopedWriteTransaction exposes functionality that allows you to perform multiple operations on the store within a single write transaction |
Cditto::SingleDocumentLiveQueryEvent | Provides information about a live query event relating to a single document live query |
Cditto::SingleDocumentLiveQueryEventHandler | A thin wrapper around a function that will get called when there are updates relating to a live query associated with a single document |
Cditto::SingleDocumentLiveQueryWithNextSignalEventHandler | A thin wrapper around a function that will get called when there are updates relating to a live query associated with a single document that has an associated function to call when the next event is ready to be delivered |
Cditto::SmallPeerInfo | The entrypoint for small peer user info collection |
Cditto::Store | Provides access to Collection s and a write transaction API |
Cditto::Sync | |
Cditto::TcpListenConfig | Part of the Listen config that relates to incoming TCP connections |
Cditto::TransportConfig | A configuration object specifying which network transports Ditto should use to sync data |
►Cditto::UpdateResult | Provides information about a successful update operation on a document |
Cditto::ValidityListenerCtx | |
Cditto::WiFiAwareConfig | Part of the PeerToPeer transport config that applies to WiFi Aware connections |
Cditto::WriteTransaction | WriteTransaction exposes functionality that allows you to perform multiple operations on the store within a single write transaction |
Cditto::WriteTransactionPendingCursorOperation | These objects are returned when using find -like functionality on ScopedWriteTransaction s. You can use them to perform updates on a document and remove or evict a document |
Cditto::WriteTransactionPendingIDSpecificOperation | These objects are returned when ScopedWriteTransaction::find_by_id is called |
►Cditto::WriteTransactionResult | Provides information about the result of an operation on a document that was part of a write transaction |