Ditto 3.0.8
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 CAbstractDocumentPathProvides an interface to specify a path to a key in a document that you can then call various update functions on
 CAttachmentRepresents an attachment and can be used to insert the associated attachment into a document at a specific key
 CAttachmentFetcherThese objects are returned by calls to Collection::fetch_attachment
 CAttachmentFetcherEventHandlerA thin wrapper around a function that will get called when there are updates relating to an attempt to fetch an attachment
 CAttachmentFetchEventThe different types of attachment fetch events that can be delivered
 CAttachmentFetchEventCompletedAn attachment fetch event used when the attachment's download has completed
 CAttachmentFetchEventDeletedAn attachment fetch event used when the attachment is deleted
 CAttachmentFetchEventProgressAn attachment fetch event used when the attachment's download has progressed but is not yet complete
 CAttachmentTokenServes as a token for a specific attachment that you can pass to a call to Collection::fetch_attachment
 CAuthenticationCallbackProvides feedback to the developer about Ditto authentication status
 CAuthenticationStatusProvides info about the authentication status
 CAuthenticatorProvides access to authentication information and methods for logging on to Ditto Cloud. Relevant when using an OnlineWithAuthentication or an Online identity
 CAwdlConfigPart of the PeerToPeer config that relates to AWDL connections
 CBluetoothLeConfigPart of the PeerToPeer config that relates to Bluetooth LE connections
 CCollectionA reference to a collection in a Store
 CCollectionsEventProvides information about the changes that have occurred in relation to an event delivered when observing the collections in a Store
 CConnectPart of the TransportConfig that relates to outgoing connections
 CConnectionConnection between two peers
 CDiskUsageProvides an interface to be able to monitor local files
 CDittoThe entrypoint to the Ditto SDK
 CDittoAddressInformation used to identify a peer
 CDittoErrorAll errors that are thrown by the Ditto SDK are wrapped as a DittoError
 CDocumentA document belonging to a Collection with an inner value and an identifier (DocumentId)
 CDocumentIdAn identifier for a Document
 CDocumentIdPathProvides an interface to specify a path to a key in a document ID that you can then call a function on to get the value at the specified key as a specific type
 CDocumentPathProvides an interface to specify a path to a key in a document that you can then call a function on to get the value at the specified key as a specific type
 CHttpListenConfigPart of the Listen config that relates to incoming HTTP connections
 CIdentityThe various identity configurations that you can use when initializing a Ditto instance
 CLanConfigPart of the PeerToPeer config that relates to LAN connections
 CListenPart of the TransportConfig that relates to incoming connections
 CLiveQueryThe type that is returned when calling observe_local. It handles the logic for calling the event handler that is provided to the observe_local call
 CLiveQueryEventThe events that you receive when dealing with live queries
 CLiveQueryEventHandlerA thin wrapper around a function that will get called when there are updates relating to a live query
 CLiveQueryMoveDescribes the index in a list of documents that a document was previously found at (from) and the index that it can now be found at (to)
 CLiveQueryWithNextSignalEventHandlerA thin wrapper around a function that will get called when there are updates relating to a live query that has an associated function to call when the next event is ready to be delivered
 CLogMain singleton (global instance) to tweak the behavior of Ditto's logging infrastructure
 CManualIdentityA manually-provided certificate identity. This accepts a base64-encoded bundle
 CMutableDocumentThis is used as part of update operations for documents
 CMutableDocumentPathProvides an interface to specify a path to a key in a document that you can then call various update functions on
 CObserverAn observation token returned by any observation API in the Ditto SDK. Retain this object to continue receiving updates
 COfflinePlaygroundIdentityDevelop peer-to-peer apps with no cloud connection. This mode offers no security and must only be used for development. In this mode, any string can be used as the ID of the app
 COnlinePlaygroundIdentityTest a Ditto Cloud app with weak shared token authentication ("Playground mode"). This is not secure and must only be used for development
 COnlineWithAuthenticationIdentityRun Ditto in secure production mode, logging on to Ditto Cloud or on on-premises authentication server. User permissions are centrally managed. Sync will not work until a successful login has occurred
 CPeerRepresent a known peer in the Ditto network
 CPeerToPeerPart of the TransportConfig that relates to peer-to-peer connections
 CPendingCollectionsOperationThese objects are returned when calling collections() on Store objects
 CPendingCursorOperationThese objects are returned when using find-like functionality on Collection objects
 CPendingIDSpecificOperationThese objects are returned when using Collection::find_by_id functionality
 CPresenceGraphRepresents local peer and local peers
 CRgaRepresents a CRDT Replicated Growable Array (RGA)
 CScopedWriteTransactionScopedWriteTransaction exposes functionality that allows you to perform multiple operations on the store within a single write transaction
 CSharedKeyIdentityA mode where any device is trusted provided they know the secret key. This is a simplistic authentication model normally only suitable for private apps where users and devices are both trusted. In this mode, any string may be used as the app id
 CSingleDocumentLiveQueryEventProvides information about a live query event relating to a single document live query
 CSingleDocumentLiveQueryEventHandlerA thin wrapper around a function that will get called when there are updates relating to a live query associated with a single document
 CSingleDocumentLiveQueryWithNextSignalEventHandlerA thin wrapper around a function that will get called when there are updates relating to a live query associated with a single document that has an associated function to call when the next event is ready to be delivered
 CStoreProvides access to Collections and a write transaction API
 CSubscriptionWhile Subscription objects remain in scope they ensure that documents in the collection specified, and that match the query provided, will try to be kept up-to-date with the latest changes from remote peers
 CTcpListenConfigPart of the Listen config that relates to incoming TCP connections
 CTransportConfigA configuration object specifying which network transports Ditto should use to sync data
 CUpdateResultProvides information about a successful update operation on a document
 CUpdateResultIncrementedAn update result when the update result's type is UpdateResultType::Incremented
 CUpdateResultRemovedAn update result when the update result's type is UpdateResultType::Removed
 CUpdateResultReplacedWithCounterAn update result when the update result's type is UpdateResultType::ReplacedWithCounter
 CUpdateResultSetAn update result when the update result's type is UpdateResultType::Set
 CWiFiAwareConfigPart of the PeerToPeer transport config that applies to WiFi Aware connections
 CWriteTransactionWriteTransaction exposes functionality that allows you to perform multiple operations on the store within a single write transaction
 CWriteTransactionPendingCursorOperationThese objects are returned when using find-like functionality on ScopedWriteTransactions. You can use them to perform updates on a document and remove or evict a document
 CWriteTransactionPendingIDSpecificOperationThese objects are returned when ScopedWriteTransaction::find_by_id is called
 CWriteTransactionResultProvides information about the result of an operation on a document that was part of a write transaction
 CWriteTransactionResultEvictedRepresents the write transaction result that will be the value of a WriteTransactionResult when its type is WriteTransactionResultType::Evicted
 CWriteTransactionResultInsertedRepresents the write transaction result that will be the value of a WriteTransactionResult when its type is WriteTransactionResultType::Inserted
 CWriteTransactionResultRemovedRepresents the write transaction result that will be the value of a WriteTransactionResult when its type is WriteTransactionResultType::Removed
 CWriteTransactionResultUpdatedRepresents the write transaction result that will be the value of a WriteTransactionResult when its type is WriteTransactionResultType::Updated