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An interface describing the dependencies required to initialise a live.ditto.DittoKit instance when running on an Android device.

Provides a default set of dependencies that you can pass to the live.ditto.DittoKit initializer that will work on Android.


A default logger suitable for running on Android.


Represents an attachment and can be used to insert the associated attachment into a document at a specific key.


These objects are returned by calls to fetchAttachment on DittoCollections.


A representation of the status of an attachment.


Typically this will only be used if interacting with the SDK from Java. You can call fetchAttachment with an attachment token and an object that implements this interface.


Serves as a token for a specific attachment that you can pass to a call to fetchAttachment on a DittoCollection.


A reference to a collection in a DittoStore.


Configuration for the database backend that DittoStore uses.


A document belonging to a DittoCollection with an inner value.


Provides an interface to specify a path to a key in a document that you can then call a function on to get the value at the specified key as a specific type. You obtain a DittoDocumentPath by subscripting a DittoDocument and you can then further subscript a DittoDocumentPath to further specify the key of the document that you want to get the value of.


The various identity configurations that you can use when initializing a DittoKit instance.


DittoKit is the entry point for accessing Ditto-related functionality.


An interface describing the dependencies required to initialise a DittoKit instance.


All errors that are thrown by the DittoKit SDK are wrapped as a DittoKitError. It wraps multiple different types of error that each have an associated reason.


The type that is returned when calling observe on a DittoCollection object. It handles the logic for calling the event handler that is provided to the observe call.


Typically this will only be used if interacting with the SDK from Java. You can call observe or observeLocal with an object that implements this interface.


Describes the different types of event that you can receive when dealing with live queries.


Describes the index in a list of documents that a document was previously found at (from) and the index that it can now be found at (to).


This is used as part of update operations for documents. It provides access to updating a document through a subscript-based API. A subscript operation returns a DittoMutableDocumentPath that you can then use to chain further subscript operations to in order to access nested values in a document. Once you've defined the path to a key in a document that you'd like to update, by using subscripts, then you can use the functionality defined on DittoMutableDocumentPath to perform the desired document update(s). Note that objects of this type should only be used within the scope of the update closure that they are provided in.


Provides an interface to specify a path to a key in a document that you can then call various update functions on. You obtain a DittoMutableDocumentPath by subscripting a DittoMutableDocument and you can then further subscript a DittoMutableDocumentPath to further specify the key of the document that you want to update.


Typically this will only be used if interacting with the SDK from Java. You can call update with an object that implements this interface.


These objects are returned when using find-like functionality on DittoCollections. They allow chaining of further query-related functions to do things like add a limit to the number of documents you want returned or specify how you want the documents to be sorted and ordered. You can either call exec on the object to get an array of DittoDocuments as an immediate return value, or you can establish either a live query or a subscription, which both work over time. A live query, established by calling observe, will notify you every time there's an update to a document that matches the query you provided in the preceding find-like call. A subscription, established by calling subscribe, will act as a signal to other peers that the device connects to that you would like to receive updates from them about documents that match the query you provided in the preceding find-like call. Calling observe will generate both a subscription and a live query at the same time. If you'd like to only observe local changes then you can call observeLocal. Update and remove functionality is also exposed through this object.


These objects are returned when using findByID functionality on DittoCollections. You can either call exec on the object to get an immediate return value, or you can establish either a live query or a subscription, which both work over time. A live query, established by calling observe, will notify you every time there's an update to the document with the ID you provided in the preceding findByID call. A subscription, established by calling subscribe, will act as a signal to other peers that you would like to receive updates from them about the document with the ID you provided in the preceding findByID call. Calling observe will generate both a subscription and a live query at the same time. If you'd like to only observe local changes then you can call observeLocal. Update and remove functionality is also exposed through this object. Update and remove functionality is also exposed through this object.


DittoScopedWriteTransaction exposes functionality that allows you to perform multiple operations on the store within a single write transaction.


Typically this will only be used if interacting with the SDK from Java. You can call observe or observeLocal with an object that implements this interface.


Provides information about a live query event relating to a single document live query.


Typically this will only be used if interacting with the SDK from Java. You can call update with an object that implements this interface.


Describes the direction when sorting a query.


Provides access to DittoCollections and a write transaction API.


While DittoSubscription objects remain in scope they ensure that documents in the collection specified and that match the query provided will try to be kept up-to-date with the latest changes from remote peers.


Describes the transports that DittoKit can use to connect to other devices.


Describes the result of an update operation performed on a DittoMutableDocument.


DittoWriteTransaction exposes functionality that allows you to perform multiple operations on the store within a single write transaction. You must use the scoped function to get collection-scoped access to the write transaction object, which will then allow you to perform insert, update, remove or evict operations using the write transaction.


Typically this will only be used if interacting with the SDK from Java. You can call write on a DittoStore instance with an object that implements this interface.


These objects are returned when using findByID functionality on DittoScopedWriteTransactions. You can use them to perform updates on a document and remove or evict a document.


These objects are returned when using findByID functionality on DittoScopedWriteTransactions. You can use them to perform updates on a document and remove or evict a document.


Describes one part of the result of a write transaction.


A token returned by observePeers(). Call close() to unsubscribe this handler.


A summary snapshot of the types of connections currently active to a remote Ditto peer.
