Package-level declarations


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sealed class BleClientOperation

Abstract sealed class representing a type of BLE operation

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sealed class BleServerOperation

Abstract sealed class representing a type of BLE operation

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data class CharacteristicRead(val device: BluetoothDevice, val characteristicUuid: UUID) : BleClientOperation

Read the value of a characteristic represented by characteristicUuid

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data class CharacteristicWrite(val device: BluetoothDevice, val characteristicUuid: UUID, val writeType: Int, val payload: ByteArray) : BleClientOperation

Write payload as the value of a characteristic represented by characteristicUuid

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class CommandQueue<T>(handler: Handler, callbacks: CommandQueueCallback<T>, operationTimeout: Long) : ConcurrentLinkedQueue<T>
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abstract class CommandQueueCallback<T>
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data class Connect(val device: BluetoothDevice, val context: Context) : BleClientOperation

Connect to device and perform service discovery

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data class ConnectL2CapSocket(val device: BluetoothDevice, val psm: Int) : BleClientOperation
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data class DescriptorRead(val device: BluetoothDevice, val descriptorUuid: UUID) : BleClientOperation

Read the value of a descriptor represented by descriptorUuid

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data class DescriptorWrite(val device: BluetoothDevice, val descriptorUuid: UUID, val payload: ByteArray) : BleClientOperation

Write payload as the value of a descriptor represented by descriptorUuid

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data class DisableNotifications(val device: BluetoothDevice, val characteristicUuid: UUID) : BleClientOperation

Disable notifications/indications on a characteristic represented by characteristicUuid

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Disconnect from device and release all connection resources

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Disconnect from device and release all connection resources

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class DittoBluetoothManager(val context: Context, dittoHandleWrapper: DittoHandle, val config: DittoBluetoothLeConfig)

Owns the BluetoothPlatform and references to the Rust-based BLE Client and Server transports. Previously these were long-lived instances but sometimes the Android BLE stack gums up and stops reporting events properly until the app is restarted. The nuclear solution of dropping and recreating the BluetoothPlatform resolves this situation. At the expense of background support, this manager class will track disabled/enabled/background/foreground events and fully stop or start the platform accordingly.

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data class EnableNotifications(val device: BluetoothDevice, val characteristicUuid: UUID) : BleClientOperation

Enable notifications/indications on a characteristic represented by characteristicUuid

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data class MtuRequest(val device: BluetoothDevice, val mtu: Int) : BleClientOperation

Request for an MTU of mtu

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data class NotifyCharacteristicChanged(val device: BluetoothDevice, val characteristic: BluetoothGattCharacteristic, val confirm: Boolean, val data: ByteArray) : BleServerOperation
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data class StartAdvertisingSet(val adSetParams: AdvertisingSetParameters, val advertisingData: AdvertiseData, val scanResponse: AdvertiseData) : BleServerOperation
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data class StartLegacyAdvertising(val adSettings: AdvertiseSettings, val advertisingData: AdvertiseData, val scanResponse: AdvertiseData) : BleServerOperation


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UUID of the Client Characteristic Configuration Descriptor (0x2902).

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const val WRITE_DELAY_MS: Long = 5


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fun <K, V> ConcurrentHashMap<K, V>.computeIfPresentCompat(key: K & Any, computation: (K, V) -> V?)
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Convenience extension function that returns true if this BluetoothGattDescriptor is a Client Characteristic Configuration Descriptor.

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Android identifies remote devices by MAC address, whereas iOS uses a UUID. The cross-platform code uses 16-byte values to handle full-size UUIDs directly. On Android we expand a MAC address into 16 bytes.

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Convert a ByteArray representing a MAC address into that MAC address string.

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